Archive for August, 2009

Babies, babies everywhere!

It seems as if everywhere I look I see a pregnant lady or a newborn (or is it just me?).

One of my favorite co-workers had her baby a few weeks ago and I have been begging her to let me come over and snap some pics of her little guy since I found out she was pregnant. He is such a little cutie and it was really fun to see his mommy in mommy mode! Here are my favs! I hope you like!









Getting Crafty

Something very strange happens to me when I am pregnant. I get crafty. I normally wouldn’t consider myself crafty…artistic, yes…but crafty, nope. But all of a sudden I find myself wanting to make things…sewing, knitting, even baking. It probably has something to do with the “nesting” instinct, I suppose.

Dave and Coen are on a little trip to visit his family in Colorado and since somebody has to make some money around here 😉 , I get to stay home and work…boo! But it does have it’s advantages…one being I can pull out all the fabric and yarn that I’ve been hording away in the corner of my closet for the last 6 months and make stuff!

My first attempt at a baby quilt…for a coworker of mine, turned out pretty cool! And I only had to try twice!

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I’ve got a few little projects to work on up my sleeve for the rest of the week…in between reading and shopping and all around relaxing by myself. I miss my boys but it sure is nice to have a few days alone after 3+ years of having a constant side-kick!

Oh and if you are feeling a little crafty yourself…check out some of these links!

Angry Chicken
Design is Mine
